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Bust Thru Your Bullshit 

 with my 5 Day Intensive

How to fall in love with life!

Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?

I used to be so anxious, edgy, full of rage about nearly everything.  I hated it.  I would lash out on the people I love, including my son (who never asked for that).  Then, I'd beat myself up about it, complain to others about, and repeat the cycle.  Until...

I learned that I was keeping myself small.  Ouch, right?  

But I didn't let this discourage me... it excited me!

I decided to take action, learn how to develop a growth mindset and shift out of fear and anxiety into courage and hope.

That voice telling you "you can't" or "life sucks" is BULLSHIT.  (hence the name of this intensive)

This means you have the power inside of you that you need to make a change!

I will show you the exact steps I took to change my life.  From a girl who was homeless without a car, pregnant, and terrified of what life would bring to


the woman who started showing up, taking inspired action, was able to transform her career (from walking to Arby's while pregnant to Registered Nurse Supervisor - say wha?) and manifested a life full of miracles.  Miracles that include vacations, unexpected money, opportunities, and shit I "shouldn't be able to accomplish" as a single mother living on one salary. 

Day 1: Limiting Beliefs

Day 2: Affirmations and using them correctly

Day 3: Your Crowd is Your Confidence (aka who you allow into your mind and ears determines your vibe)

Day 4: Trusting Yourself

Day 5: Getting Clear on Who You Want to Be (and next steps)


Join this course if you are ready to:

Learn where your limiting beliefs are blocking you

Learn how to raise yourself out of this pattern 

Know how to trust yourself with big decisions

Figure out how to shift your mindset

Decide who you want to be, and what your next steps are.


Free Affirmations Download

Free Journal Prompts

15 Minute 1:1 Q&A

I can't wait to see you in there.  You deserve to be Aligned AF!

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